Jim Skinner

President and Chief Executive Officer

“Eliminating toxic chemicals from our environment — Protecting our livestock & food sources…These are my passions.”

“Toxic chemicals are dangerous for humans, animals, and our environment. Some common pesticides have been linked to bee colony collapse, a significant threat to our food supply. My goal was, and is, to find natural, non-toxic, products to address farming and livestock challenges. That’s why I founded Terregena Inc.”  Jim Skinner


My education has been in the human health sciences. My life’s work and focus have been on combating diseases. I have managed existing companies and started new ones, many having an extraordinary, positive impact on the health and welfare of people worldwide.

In the mid-2000s, toxic chemicals were the only method available to control insects in barns, farms, and other agricultural facilities. The effect of these chemicals on animals, humans, the food we eat, and bee colonies was and still is devastating.

Jim Skinner, Terregena

In 2005, I was given the opportunity to bring a new, safe, biological, and organic insect pest control technology to the agricultural community. This brand-new technology involved safe, non-toxic, and very effective biopesticides. The range of products based on the technology could be used to treat and eradicate a particular pest specifically. Still, the products would not affect the animals, such as poultry, etc., nor would the products affect beneficial insects, like beneficial insects, such as bees.

In 2006 I founded Terregena in Canada and the US to provide farmers with safe, biologic, and organic products. We have continued introducing new, environmentally safe products from our original offerings, including our latest products for healthier plants with higher yields.

Our products are effective and economical. They are available from California to North Carolina and British Columbia to Newfoundland. We are proud of our contribution to improved farming, and we thank our clients in the poultry, dairy, swine, bison, cattle, and equine industries and farmers growing wheat, corn, tomatoes, and many other foods and crops.

Thank you for supporting our home-grown company and our mission of bringing new, natural technology to farming and livestock.