A pair of flies beginning reproduction in April may ultimately be progenitors of 200,000,000,000,000,000,000 flies by August. Fly Control for Livestock and Poultry is critical!
WHAT IS balEnce?
- balEnce is a Biopesticide. It is not a toxic chemical.
- balEnce is naturally occurring and environmentally friendly
- balEnce is a “host-specific” patswineenic fungus called Beauveria bassiana that targets adult flies and larvae
- balEnce has no harsh chemicals
- balEnce is safe for humans, animals, and beneficial insects
- balEnce is approved for sale by the US EPA, the PMRA, Health Canada, and the US Department of Agriculture National Organic Program
In Which Areas Do You Need Fly Control for Livestock and Poultry?
balEnce Organic Fly Spray is sprayed throughout the house or barn where the Beauveria bassiana spore is picked up by the fly, grows and reproduces inside the fly and kills it.
The Image to the right shows the Beauveria bassiana spores generating “germ tubes”. These germ tubes enable the fungus to grow inside the fly and kill it.

As the flies die, beneficial insects take over their natural role of killing the fly population at the egg, larval and pupal stages.Â
- balEnce is designed to be an essential part of your Integrated Insect Management program.
- balEnce is economical — the usual concentration of balEnce Organic Fly Spray for killing adult flies is a bottle (15 ounces) diluted with water. This will treat approximately 40,000 to 50,000 square feet. A higher concentration effectively kills fly larvae (maggots) before they develop into pupae.
- Regular use of balEnce™ Biopesticide maintains control of your fly problems efficiently in terms of both time and cost.
HOW DO I USE balEnce?
The fly You kill today prevents the future emergence of millions of flies.
- Spray balEnce Organic Fly Spray throughout the house or your livestock barn where the Beauveria bassiana spore is picked up by the fly, grows and reproduces inside the fly and kills it.
- Flies die in 36 hours to five days depending on the temperature.  balEnce residual stays on surfaces for more than a month.  As the flies die, beneficial insects take over their natural role of killing the fly population at the egg, larval and pupal stages.
- Once control is gained, treat only as needed, the beneficial insects will do the rest ─ balEnce is very economical to use.  The manure is chemical free ─ in fact, many balEnce users sell their manure at premium prices because it is pesticide free.